Surviving Motherhood

With this one lesson mothers can speak fluent Mingo. You need nothing else! When you think about it, communication with children is really very simple. You can be a perfect mother with only fourteen sentences. Learn these sentences and you'll never need English again!

Heyúé ëhsátkë! Heyúé ëhsátkë u'ki'.
It's time to get up! I said it's time to get up!

Kátsi ëtwatekhôni'.
Come on, we're going to eat.

Wash your hands.

Utsiyaki' ëhsnekeæ'.
Drink your orange juice.

Kaahkwatékë ëhsék.
Eat your toast.

Kakwékö nae utsískwa' ëhsék.
Eat all of your cereal.

Did you brush your teeth?

Heyúé hënöteyëstahkwa' hëhse'.
It's time for school.

Sanôkta' sahkwi'hô.
Clean your room.

Do your homework.

Be good.

Heyúé ëhsêta'.
It's time to go to bed.

I love you.

Akítö nê nö'ki'.
I mean what I said.

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