
Tyekhönya'tha' tááyö' ne heyáte' teutöëtsúni unö'kwaníyö êôk, ne' wai wáéyö'.
My grandson came into the kitchen and insisted on having a piece of cheese, so I gave him one.

U'thúét kës, "Ne' úya' tewakatöëtsúni."
He started shouting that he wanted another one too.

Ne' nô teutöëtsúni tea'nyaké.
I guess he wanted a slice in both hands.

Waeyúwi' ne' te'aö ëhsëni'tútë' tyëëkwa niwésu' unö'kwaníyö ëhsék kës. Te'aö wai aasëni'tútë'.
I told him it would make him constipated if he ate so much cheese, and he wouldn't be able to poop.
  Thusnye'ö shô "Ta'tewakatöëtsúni ëkëni'tútë'. Tewakatöëtsúni unö'kwaníyö ëkék."
He said, "I don't want to poop. I want to eat cheese."

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