A Study Guide to the Gospel of Matthew 1:1

Sô nâ kúyátö' ne káyatöshä'?
Who wrote the book?
Matthew nâ húyátö' ne káyatöshä'.
Matthew wrote the book.

Të'ë na'u't niuyéë ne Matthew?
What did Matthew do?
Ne' húyátö' ne káyatöshä' n-uiwiyustöshä'.
He wrote the book of the Gospel.

Sô nâ huthyúwi n-uiwiyustöshä'?
Whom does the gospel tell about?
Thsakaöhétas nâ huthyúwi n-uiwiyustöshä'.
The Gospel tells about Christ.

Sô ne takáwatsiyätátye' íwát ne uiwa'ke skát watôtha'?
Whose family tree is in chapter one?
Ne' ne Thsakaöhétas ne takáwatsiyätátye' íwát.
Christ's family tree is in it.

Sô nâ huáwak ne David?
Who is the son of David?
Thsakaöhétas nâ huáwak ne David.
Christ is the son of David.

Sô ti nâ huáwak ne Abraham?
Who is the son of Abraham?
Thsakaöhétas nâ khu hae'kwa huáwak ne Abraham.
Christ is also the son of Abraham.

Sô nâ ne hunökätö wathyúwi ne uiwa' skát?
Whose birth does chapter one tell about?
Ne'hu hunökätö ne Thsakaöhétas wathyúwi ne uiwa' skát.
Chapter one tells about the birth of Christ.

Sáyátö' nâ ís ne káyatöshä'?
Have you written a book?
Ê', akhyátö' ne káyatöshä'.
Yes, I have written a book.
Ê', akhyátö' ne tekáyatöshäké.
Yes, I have written two books.
Ê', akhyátö' wésu' níyô nikáyatöshí.
Yes, I have written many books.
Hë'ë, te'akhyatö' ne káyatöshä'.
No, I haven't written a book.

Ne' nêkê hehsáwak?
Is this your son?
Ê', Ne' huikê heáwak.
Yes, that is my son.
Hë'ë, nâ te'ne' huikê teeawak.
No, that is not my son.

Ne' nêkê sheáwak?
Is this your daughter (Are these your children)?
Ê', ne' huikê kheáwak.
Yes, that is my daughter (these are my children).
Hë'ë, nâ te'ne' huikê te'kheawak.
No, that is not my daughter (those are not my children).