Niwakashææ'ö 01.15

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Ne' ne yekëhtsi uya'ke kanöhsút tye'tyôtak ne Mrs Yawns íwí yeyasônö', ne' huikê atukwa'shæ' yëhetye'skwa'.

There was an elderly lady next door, Mrs Yawns, I believe her name was, who coveted that spoon.


Tyawë'ö kaöisyöhkö ëyötukwa'shânínö', ne' kwá he katiyöhkwak.

She was always offering me things for it, but I would not give it up.


Höwööwak hehétye' wai ëöhsu atukwa'shâtsí nëyuhsuhku'têôk ne' ëöniyôtë' ne yekhönyatahkwa'ke.

Her son wanted to paint it black and hang it in the kitchen.


Te'yönishe'ö nae nö'ôwë u'wahtö' ne atukwa'shæ', ne' wai thsa'katutyák u'kíwááhu' ne na'u't nö'ôwë.

It was not long before the spoon disappeared and I was grown up before I realized what happened to it.


Ukwényô ahsö' kaníyôt ne Mr Yawns yekhönyatahkwa'ke.

It may still be hanging in Mr Yawn's kitchen.

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