Niwakashææ'ö 01.41


Túkës, ne' ne tsiskë huikê kanöhsakô.

Yes, that house was haunted.


Ne' kyö'ö sôká' höwônyú ne' huya'tahsátö' he kanöhsakô.

They say somebody murdered a man and buried the body under that house.


Ne' nae nê ti'kwa. Kwá he ha'tewahsötaë wëtöti'kwa ukwenyônö' kës utetkai'nistö ëhsáôk kës tkanestæë wai tyakuta'ö.

I don't know. But at midnight sometimes you could hear a noise under the floor of the middle bedroom.


Ne' wai he niyu'tê kanestæ'ke kusteu'kôtyô.

It sounded like somebody was emptying a sack of marbles on the floor.


Ne' wai nö'ôwë wa'akwahtêti' shô, ta unë tsyakúktô ne aknöhkwa' n-aste aayötö'.

We went out one day, and then my wife turned back to go to the toilet.


Ta unë ha'kwistë' akashææ'ö tëkehkwánö'.

Then I remembered something I had forgotten and went to get it.


Thsitwakehtö he ha'tewahsênö ne tyakuta'ö, ne' únë wai akashææ'ö ne' n- aknöhkwa' tyesne'skwa' ne' tyutkôt te'utetkae'nistö wai akahtëtyô, ne' kaiôni te'wêtö shô kunöhtö' káwé itke's.

When I came into the middle bedroom I remembered my wife complaining I move so quietly she never knows where I am.


Ne' u'knöktayëhtáne'.

I rapped my knuckles on the bedstead as I went past.


U'káôk ne' u'yötöishætaistë', ne' nô kaiôni ha'teyakuya'tistö.

I heard her catch her breath because she thought she was alone in the house.


Ta unë takesnye't.

Then I spoke.


"Ne' nae akënöhtö' ne' huikê ne Tom ëkí ne hanishéúnö'," wa'ákë'.

She said afterward she knew it was either Tom or the Devil.

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