Ne' ne Kuwánës

The Big Ones
1 Ne' huteskwatka'tö ne ha'ni. 2 Ne' wai nê tyawë'ö huikê ne utíwatyanöhtö's waakaútë' kës. 3 "Ne' nâ nêkê te'kakææ'," thusnye'ö. 4 "Uhiyu'ke nö'ôwë huikê n-aksút huhseatye' íwí ne këötanëhkwi ëkí kaehtakahathwas ki'shë. 5 Ne' nô te'akashææ'ö huikê niyuiwa'aa. 6 Ne' nô huikê kaehtakahathwas íwí. 7 Ne' wai n-í' tyawë'ö ne kaiwakwëníyu' u'tkesnye't kës ne' kaiôni kökwe'tíyú tkíwayéi' ne' shô ne twatate'kê' waökeyëstë'. 8 Ne' n-í' ökehsës ne' te'akékê n-í'a. My father was a joker. He was always telling funny stories. "Now this is a fact," he would say. "It happened in Ohio. My grandfather was riding along either on a horse or on a mule. I am not sure about that point. It was a mule, I believe. You know I always speak the truth because I am a good, honest person like the white people taught me to be. I am sorry I did not see it myself.

9 "Këhöktatye' huhse'. 10 Nâ waatyëëkwa shô huikê këöya'ke ha'kwistë'. 11 Teknitsi'táké nô ki'shë. 12 Ne' nëyönishe't waathsi'wáë' ne' wai huikê ne këöya'ke u'tknítë'. 13 Nâ nikatsi'ta's kuwánë. 14 Ne' ne këöya'ke unötkahatöö hetkë tëknitëôk. 15 Tsúnyöta nô huikê. "He was riding along the river. Suddenly he saw something in the sky. It looked like two birds. He watched them flying in the sky for a long time. What big birds they were. They kept flying around in circles up there in the sky. Maybe they were eagles.

16 "Waatyëëkwa shô taknya'së't he yöëtsa'kékwá ne' u'kninöskwanösku' ne teyuhuskwaöt kusthöö hekninöskwaawi' he tkëhôk. 17 Huiwanëëkwahtö uæhtak ne haksút. 18 Nâ te'ne' huikê tsi'të'ööshö'ö, kwá he tsínyëtahsés huikê. "Suddenly the two of them dropped down towards the earth and picked up a calf and carried it off down to the bank of the river. My grandfather was bowled over with surprise. They were not birds at all, but mosquitos.

19 "'Tityahtêti huôwe skëhôti hëhninöskwák ëtyatekhôni' shô khu yaé', ne' akatöswe'tani tewakya'táte'.' 20 "'Thë'ë nâ,' tyusnye'ö. 21 'Aayökhinöskwákwas ne' ne kuwánës.'" "'Let's go over to the other side of the river first and eat it there, I am so hungry I could split.' "'No,' says the other one. 'The big ones might take it away from us.'"


(1) Ne' huteskwatka'tö ne ha'ni.

ne' -- [particle]
huteskwatka'tö -- he tells jokes, he's a joker
h[u]- MsP/A prefix, -ateskwatka't- tell a joke, be funny [Stative]
ne -- [particle]
ha'ni -- my father

(2) Ne' wai nê tyawë'ö huikê ne utíwatyanöhtö's waakaútë' kës.

ne' -- [particle]
wai -- [particle]
-- [particle]
tyawë'ö -- always
huikê -- there, that
ne -- [particle]
utíwatyanöhtö's -- funny stories
[u]- NsP/A prefix, -at- Middle prefix, -íw- matter, -atyanöht- something be funny [Habitual]
waakaútë' -- he told stories
wa- Factual prefix, -ha- MsA/X prefix, -ka- story, +ot- stand something up [Simple]. Literally: "he stood the story up". Note that the /h/ of the MsA/X prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
kës -- repeatedly, all the time, over and over

(3) "Ne' nâ nêkê te'kakææ'," thusnye'ö.

ne' -- [particle]
-- [particle]
nêkê -- this, this here
te'kakææ' -- it is not a story; truth
te'- Negative prefix, -ka- NsA/X prefix, -ka- story, tale, -æ- Linker Vowel, -' Noun Suffix. Not that this is one of the rare cases of the Negative prefix te'- being added to a Noun.
thusnye'ö -- he said
t- Cislocative prefix, -hu- MsP/X prefix, t...snye'- say something [Stative]

(4) "Uhiyu'ke nö'ôwë huikê n-aksút huhseatye' íwí ne këötanëhkwi ëkí kaehtakahathwas ki'shë.

Uhiyu'ke -- in Ohio
[u]- NsP/I prefix, -ih- river, -iyu- be nice, good, beautiful, -'ke External Locative Suffix
nö'ôwë -- it happened
nö'- Partitive + Factual prefixes, -aw- NsP/Ë prefix, ni...ë- something happens [Simple]. Note the regular change of the /a/ of the NsP/Ë prefix into /ö/.
huikê -- there, that
n-aksút -- my grandfather
n- short form of ne, aksút my grandfather
huhseatye' -- he was riding along on horseback
hu- MsP/X prefix, -hs- ride on horseback [Basic Progressive]
íwí -- I think
ne -- [particle]
këötanëhkwi -- horse
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -yöt- tree, log, -a-, Linker Vowel, -nëhkwi- haul, drag something [Habitual]. Literally: "it hauls logs; log-hauler". Note that the noun base -yöt- behaves as if it began with an /i/. Note also that the initial /y/ is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
ëkí -- or
kaehtakahathwas -- mule
ka- NsA/C prefix, -heht- earth, soil, ground, dirt, -kahathw- turn something inside out [Habitual]. Literally: "it turns the soil inside out; soil-tiller". Note that the /h/ at the beginning of the incorporated noun base -heht- is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
ki'shë -- perhaps, maybe

(5) Ne' nô te'akashææ'ö huikê niyuiwa'aa.

ne' -- [particle]
-- [particle]
te'akashææ'ö -- I don't remember it
te'- Negative prefix, -ak- 1sP/A prefix, -ashææ'- remember something [Stative]
huikê -- there, that
niyuiwa'aa -- that little point, matter
ni- Partitive prefix, -yu- NsP/C prefix, -íw- matter, ni...a'aa something be small [Stative]

(6) Ne' nô huikê kaehtakahathwas íwí.

ne' -- [particle]
-- [particle]
huikê -- there, that
kaehtakahathwas -- mule
ka- NsA/C prefix, -heht- earth, soil, ground, dirt, -kahathw- turn something inside out [Habitual]. Literally: "it turns the soil inside out; soil-tiller". Note that the /h/ at the beginning of the incorporated noun base -heht- is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
íwí -- I think

(7) Ne' wai n-í' tyawë'ö ne kaiwakwëníyu' u'tkesnye't kës ne' kaiôni kökwe'tíyú tkíwayéi' ne' shô ne twatate'kê' waökeyëstë'.

ne' -- [particle]
wai -- [particle]
n-í' -- I, me, myself
n- short form of ne, í' I, me, myself
tyawë'ö -- always
ne -- [particle]
kaiwakwëníyu' -- the truth
ka- NsA/C prefix, -íw- matter, -kwëniyu- something be the most important [Stative]
u'tkesnye't -- I said it
u't- Factual + Cislocative, -ke- 1sA/X prefix, t...snye'- say something [Simple]
kës -- often, frequently, all the time
ne' -- [particle]
kaiôni -- reason
ka- NsA/C prefix, -íw- matter, -öny- make something [Stative]
kökwe'tíyú -- I am a good person
k- 1sA/Ö prefix, -ökwe't- person, -iyu- be good, nice, beautiful [Stative]
tkíwayéi' -- my matter is correct??
t- Cislocative prefix, -k- 1sA/C prefix, -íw- matter, t...yei- something be correct [Stative]
ne' -- [particle]
shô -- just, only
ne -- [particle]
twatate'kê' --
waökeyëstë' -- they taught me
wa- Factual prefix, -höke- 3dp/1s/X prefix, -yëstani- teach someone something [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the 2dp/1s/X prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.

(8) Ne' n-í' ökehsës ne' te'akékê n-í'a.

ne' -- [particle]
n-í' -- I, me, myself
n- short form of ne, í' I, me, myself
ökehsës -- I am sorry
ö- Factual prefix, -ke- 1sP/X prefix, -hsëhse- something makes you sorry [Simple]
ne' -- [particle]
te'akékê -- I didn't see it
te'- Negative prefix, -ake- 1sP/X prefix, -kë- see something [Stative]
n-í'a -- I, me, myself
n- short form of ne, í'a I, me, myself

(9) "Këhöktatye' huhse'.

këhöktatye' -- along the river
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -ih- river, -ö- Linker Vowel, -kt- be next to something [Basic Progressive]
huhse' -- he is riding on horseback
hu- MsP/X prefix, -hs- ride on horseback [Purposive]

(10) Nâ waatyëëkwa shô huikê këöya'ke ha'kwistë'.

-- [particle]
waatyëëkwa -- he suddenly noticed
wa- Factual prefix, -h- MsA/A prefix, -atyëëkwa- notice something all of a sudden [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/A prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels. Might this also be waatyëêkwa??
shô -- only, just
huikê -- there, that
këöya'ke -- in the sky
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -yöy- sky, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke External Locative Suffix. Note that the noun base -yöy- behaves as if it were an I-stem.
ha'kwistë' -- something

(11) Teknitsi'táké nô ki'shë.

teknitsi'táké -- two birds
te- Dualic prefix, -kni- MdA/X prefix, -tsi't- bird, te...ake- be two of something
-- perhaps, seemingly
ki'shë -- perhaps, maybe

(12) Ne' nëyönishe't waathsi'wáë' ne' wai huikê ne këöya'ke u'tknítë'.

ne' -- [particle]
nëyönishe't -- a long time
në- Partitive + Future prefixes, -y- NsA/Ö prefix, -önishe'- be a long period of time [Simple]
waathsi'wáë' -- he watched it
wa- Factual prefix , -h- MsA/A prefix, -athsi'wa- watch something [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/A prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
ne' -- [particle]
wai -- [particle]
huikê -- there, that
ne -- [particle]
këöya'ke -- in the sky
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -yöy- sky, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke External Locative Suffix. Note that the noun base -yöy- behaves as if it were an I-stem.
u'tknítë' -- the two of them are flying
u't- Factual + Dualic prefixes, -kni- MdA/C prefix, te...të- fly [Simple]

(13) Nâ nikatsi'ta's kuwánë.

-- [particle]
nikatsi'ta's -- what size the birds were
ni- Partitive prefix, -ka- NsA/X prefix, -tsi't- bird, ni...a'- something becomes of a certain size [Habitual]
kuwánë -- it is big
k- NsA/O prefix [Irregular], -uwanë- something be big [Stative]

(14) Ne' ne këöya'ke unötkahatöö hetkë tëknitëôk.

ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
këöya'ke -- in the sky
k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -yöy- sky, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke External Locative Suffix. Note that the noun base -yöy- behaves as if it were an I-stem.
unötkahatöö -- they are turning around
un[ö]- NMdpP/A prefix, -atkahatö- turn around [Stative]
hetkë -- up, up there
tëknitëôk -- the two of them will continue to fly
të- Dualic + Future prefix, -kni- MdA/C prefix, te...të- fly [K-Stative]

(15) Tsúnyöta nô huikê.

tsúnyöta -- eagle
-- seemingly, perhaps
huikê -- that, there

(16) "Waatyëëkwa shô taknya'së't he yöëtsa'kékwá ne' u'kninöskwanösku' ne teyuhuskwaöt kusthöö hekninöskwaawi' he tkëhôk.

waatyëëkwa -- he suddenly noticed
wa- Factual prefix, -h- MsA/A prefix, -atyëëkwa- notice something all of a sudden [Simple]. Note that the /h/ of the MsA/A prefix is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
shô -- just, only
taknya'së't -- the two of them dropped down
ta- -Cislocative + Factual prefixes, -kny- MdA/A prefix, -a'së'- somethings falls, comes down [Simple]
he -- where
yöëtsa'kékwá -- toward on the earth
y- NsA prefix, -öëts- earth, -a- Linker Vowel, -'ke- External Locative suffix, -kwá Directional suffix
ne' -- [particle]
u'kninöskwanösku' -- the two of them stole a domesticated animal
u'- Factual prefix, -kni- MdA/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -nöskw- steal something [Simple]
ne -- [particle]
teyuhuskwaöt -- cow
Comapre with NYMingo tyuuskwaöt [WC:1396]
kusthöö -- she is little, young
ku- FsP/X prefix, -sthö- be little, young [Stative]
hekninöskwaawi' -- the two of them carried away the domestciated animal
he- Translocative prefix, -kni- MdA/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -haw- carry something [Purposive] Note that the /h/ at the beginning of the verb base -haw- is weak, and so is dropped out when it comes between two vowels.
he -- where
tkëhôk -- there next to the river
t- Cislcoative prefix, -k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -ih- river, -ö- Linker Vowel, -kt- be next to something [Stative]

(17) Huiwanëëkwahtö uæhtak ne haksút.

huiwanëëkwahtö -- he was very surprised
hu- MsP/C prefix, -íwanëëkwaht- something surpeises someone greatly [Stative]
uæhtak -- after
ne -- [particle]
haksút -- my grandfather

(18) Nâ te'ne' huikê tsi'të'öshö'ö, kwá he tsínyëtahsés huikê.

-- [particle]
te'ne' -- it is not the case
te'- Negative prefix, ne' [particle]
huikê -- there, that
tsi'të'öshö'ö -- birds
tsi'të'ö- bird, -shö'ö Plural suffix
kwá he -- but, however
tsínyëhtasés -- mosquito
huikê -- there, that

(19) "'Tityahtêti huôwe skëhôti hëhninöskwák ëtyatekhôni' shô khu yaé', ne' akatöswe'tani tewakya'táte'.'

tityahtêti -- let's go there
ti- Cislocative prefix, -ty- IdA/A prefix [colloquial form], -ahtëty- gu sumewhere [Imperative]
huôwe -- there where
skëhôti -- the other side of the river
s- Repetitive prefix, -k[ë]- NsA/I prefix, -ih- river, -ati- something be (on) the side of something [Stative]. Note that the incorporated noun base -ih- changes the /a/ at the beginning of the verb base -ati- into /ö/.
hëhninöskwák -- we two will eat the domesticated animal over there
hë- Translocative + Future prefixes, -hn- IdA/C prefix, -nöskw-, domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -k- eat something [Simple]
ëtyatekhôni' -- we all will have a meal
ë- Future prefix, -ty- IpA/A prefix, -atekhöny- have a meal [Simple]
shô -- just, only
khu -- and, also, too, as well
yaé' -- first
ne' [particle]
akatöswe'tani -- I'm hungry
ak- 1sP/A prefix, -atöswe'tani- be hungry [Habitual]
tewakya'táte' -- I am split in two??

(20) "'Thë'ë nâ,' tyusnye'ö.

thë'ë -- no, not
-- [particle]
tyusnye'ö -- it said
t- Cislcoative prefix, -yu- NsP/X prefix, t...snye'- say something [Stative]

(21) 'Aayökhinöskwákwas ne' ne kuwánës.'"

aayökhinöskwákwas -- they might take our domesticated animal (from us)
aa- Optative prefix, -yökhi- 3dp/1dp/C prefix, -nöskw- domesticated animal, -a- Linker Vowel, -kwas- take something from someone [Simple].
ne' -- [particle]
ne -- [particle]
kuwánës -- they are big
k- NsA/O prefix [Irregular], -uwanë- something be big [Habitual]

Written by: [TM:4/96]
Glossary by: [JL:4/96]