Matthew 2:16

Tá ne', ti, ne Herud, n-únë shaënínötúk, ne'kwa n-öwötëtunya'tö nê n-ôkwe ne Magi, ne' n-a'teyutu'k u'thatenyë'tu'k: waatêhö't, khu, waöwênö'wêthu' kakwékö n-atiksa'shö'ö, he níyô Bethlehem thatinöke'; kakwékö, khu, ne waktátye' hatinökâtye'; ne'hu tyuhsá' ne tekní heshutiähwë, káu', khu, tyukötahkö, he niyúwe' thsiwaé shaiwashëöwi' ne' haköiwatahkwahsé nê n-ôkwe ne Magi hatiyasö.

And now then when Herod noticed that the people of the Magi had treated him lightly he was truly indeed angry, and he sent and slaughtered all the children, as many as lived in Bethlehem, and all that lived round about, beginning with two-year-olds and under, according to the time that he had found out by enquiring from the people called Magi.

n-únë shaënínötúk, when he noticed
n-únë sh-a-h-ënínötuk-Ø

akënínötúkë, I've notcied it
akënínötukas'ö, I've finally noticed it
kënínötukhak, I used to notice it
kënínötukha', I notice it
u'kënínôtúk, I noticed it
ëkënínötúkhák, I'll keep noticing it
aakënínôtúk, I would notice it

ne'kwa n-öwötëtunya'tö, that they had treated him lightly

akatëtunya'tö, I've treated it lightly
akatëtunya'tas'ö, I've finally treated it lightly
katëtunya'thak, I used to treat it lightly
katëtunya'tha', I treat it lightly
u'katëtúnya't, I treated it lightly
ëkatëtunya'ta'k, I'll keep treating it lightly
aakatëtúnya't, I would treat it lightly

u'thatenyë'tu'k, he became angry

tewakatenyë'tu'kö, I've become angry, I'm angry
tewakatenyë'tu'kwas'ö, I've finally become angry
tekatenyë'tu'kwak, I used to become angry
tekatenyë'tu'kwa', I become angry
u'tkatenyë'tu'k, I became angry
ëkatenyë'tu'kwák, I'll keep becoming angry
aakatenyë'tu'k, I would become angry

waatêhö't, he sent

akatëhö'ö, I've sent it
akatëhö'ös'ö, I've finally sent it
katëhö'skwa', I used to send it
katêhö's, I send it
u'katêhö't, I sent it
ëkatëhö'sék, I'll keep sending it
aakatêhö't, I would send it

waöwênö'wêthu', he massacred their skin

akínö'wêthwë, I've committed a massacre
akênö'wëthwas'ö, I've finally committed a massacre
kínö'wëthwaskwa', I used to commit massacres
kínö'wêthwás, I commit massacres
u'kínö'wêthu', I committed a massacre
ëkínö'wëthwahsék, I'll keep commiting massacres
aakínö'wêthu', I would commit a massacre

thatinöke', they lived there

tknôke', I live there
tknökes'ö, I finally live there
tknôkek, I used to live there
hatinökâtye', they lived along there

ne waktátye', along nearby
ne w-akt-aty-e'

ne tekní heshutiähwë, they were two years old
ne tekní he-s-huti-hähw-ë

heswakähwë, I've passed through a year, I've had a birthday

káu', khu, tyukötahkö, and under, it has made it come back this way
káu' khu t-yu-kötahkw-ö
this.way and CISLOCATIVE-NsP-make.go-STATIVE

he niyúwe' thsiwaé, according to the time
he niyúwe' thsiwaé
where how.far first

shaiwashëöwi', when he found the matter out

akíwashênyô, I've found the matter out
akíwashênyös'ö, I've finally found the matter out
kíwashënyöskwa', I used to find the matter out
kíwashênyös, I find the matter out
u'kíwashëöwi', I found the matter out
ëkíwashënyöhsék, I'll keep finding the matter out
aakíwashëöwi', I would find the matter out

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